Vote Bucco for Senate, and Bergen and Dunn for Assembly!

Bucco Bergen Dunn

Your 2021 Voting Options and Links to More Information:

  • In-Person Voting is Back, Tues. Nov 2nd! Traditional in-person machine voting is back in 2021, at your polling place, on Tuesday, November 2nd. Polls are open from 6am-8pm.
  • Vote by Mail / Drop boxes – For those who requested to receive a vote-by-mail ballot, or were added to the permanent vote-by-mail list, should begin receiving them as soon as September 18th. Do not throw it away! Follow the instructions closely. When completed, you can return by mail, or deliver to a secure drop box at any time.
  • NEW! Early In-Person Voting, Oct. 23-Oct. 31 – For the first time, voters can visit an early voting location across their County to cast their ballot early at a machine.